[ Imprimer ] [ Ouvrir le PDF de cette page ] Introduction - Communication Tools

Objective: Communicate with ease during an ENJEUX meeting. Competences: Understand the communication tools used in meetings. Target Population: Trainers, teachers, pedagogical counsellors, and tutors.

When you join a meeting as a participant, the screen divides into four zones:

  1. The side panel, which displays the tools available to each participant, to communicate and work with other users. This panel is different than the moderators' panel.
  2. The audio and video communication zone, which allows the user to view the other participants in the meeting and to manage the quality of the video and audio streaming.
  3. The text (chat) communication zone, which allows users to have public or private discussions with other participants.
  4. The collaborative work zone which displays the collective work and presentation tools, shared by all the participants in the meeting. In this lesson, you will discover how to manage the communication tools using the side panel (1) and the video communication zone (2).

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